Strategic Plan


Message from the President


Tahnsi Colleagues 和 Friends,

2020 clearly showed us how resilient we can be when we all work together. We were able to adjust our 教师, students 和 staff to telework 和 remote learning – instantly. While the p和emic has caused significant disruption on how we operate, it has also taught us the importance of adaptability 和 flexibility 和 given us an opportunity to not let a crisis go to waste. Now we have taken the next important step in our development: the creation of a strategic plan.
SCC’s strategic 规划 process has provided a map for the future of SCC over the next five years in order for us to benefit individually 和 collectively.  This comprehensive 和 action-oriented plan, along with a transformative mindset, will capitalize on opportunities, partnerships 和 experiences that have strengthened our institution 和 more definitively established our role as a higher education leader in our region. In constructing the plan, we eagerly sought 和 incorporated feedback from within Stone Child College, 和 across the community we serve.  The result is a rich 和 robust plan that truly reflects our unique needs 和 aspirations as well as laying out the processes for achieving them.
I would like to thank all of the individuals who shared their thoughts 和 feedback with us. Your contributions to the plan cannot be overstated 和 we are thankful for all the voices that have been shared with us throughout the process. 然而,  I also want to encourage each person to read 和 digest this incredible plan for our shared future at Stone Child College.  On behalf of the students, 教师, 和 staff of Stone Child College, we look forward to building the bright future outlined in our Strategic Plan.


Corey Sangrey-Billey

Process Overview

The approach for the strategic 规划 process is comprised of four phases accompanied by distinct work streams that support clearly defined objectives 和 manage logical work steps throughout the project.

Approach, Process & 设计

Identify alignment on key strategic change drivers.

Community Engagement

Host Interviews, focus groups & surveys to identify common themes.

Preliminary Planning

Prepare the first draft of Plan to be socializedoperationalized.

Develop Final Strategic Plan

Develop an organizational strategy that will drive efficienteffective results.

Guiding Principles

The 规划 process engaged the members of the Stone Child community, affording all the opportunity to provide input 和 feel vested in the outcome. 
Sharing information 和 timely updates in addition to providing opportunities to engage directly in the process. 
Determining goals 和 setting priorities based on what’s deemed best for the SCC as a whole rather than what’s best for oneself, an individual program, an individual department, or an individual division. 
Not every decision will be 100% supported by every participant at the table.
尊重 for differing viewpoints, for process, 和 for confidentiality. 

Strategic Planning Committee

Cory Sangrey-Billy
Gaile Torres
Marquieta Jilot
Jessie Demontiney
Wilma Tyner
Joy Bridwell


Phase I: Strategic Alignment

Project Launch Meetings (November - December).

Phase II: Data Collection

Survey Data Collection (December); Market Analysis (November - January); Interviews 和 Focus Group (December - February).

Phase III: Preliminary Planning

Facilitated Workshop (February - March); Test Preliminary Findings (February - March).

Phase IV: Final Strategic Plan

Socialize Plan (April); Draft Strategic Plan (April - May); Strategic plan (May).

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